Stolt Sea Farm receives top sustainability certification

Stolt Sea Farm’s turbot facility in Oye, Norway is the first of its land-based fish farms to receive globally recognised sustainability certification from the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).  

The farm was independently assessed against strict criteria and the certification confirms the sustainability of the operations and its turbot ongrowing facility. 

The ASC – a global farmed seafood certification programme – recognises the need to promote responsible fish farming that respects fish, people and the planet. 

Its standards for farms and seafood production are developed and continually reviewed in partnership with NGOs, academics, farmers, retailers and aquaculture experts.  

Berta Fernandez, SSF’s Quality and Environment Manager, said: “The ASC is recognised across the aquaculture and retail industries as the gold standard for sustainability, so we are extremely pleased to have received this certification for our farm in Norway. Oye’s processes were assessed in great detail and achieving this credential confirms our commitment to sustainable practices across our operations and in our interactions with local communities.”  

Alma Román, ASC’s Market Development Manager in Spain and Portugal, said: “We would like to congratulate Stolt Sea Farm for achieving ASC certification for its turbot farm in Norway. This certification reflects Stolt Sea Farm’s commitment toward sustainable aquaculture and in promoting responsibly produced fish in the European market and beyond.” 

Stolt Sea Farm is currently working towards certifying the rest of its farms and remains committed to ensuring future generations continue to enjoy wonderful seafood.